Fun jumpsuits, earth tones, and chunky jewellery have all come back. In this blog learn how to style 5 of Spring 2019’s trends. We will be teaching you how to layer and wear each item! Keep reading to see how you can wear each trend during the day and in the evening. Don’t forget to make sure you aren’t making yourself uncomfortable in your clothes, fashion is an expression of the self!
Spring cleaning is an annual affair that could go on for a long time if you don’t have a strategy in place. Having fallen victim to “No plan Spring cleaning” once or twice before, we decided to turn it around this year. Here are our Spring cleaning tips and a few pieces of advice straight from the organization experts!
Netflix has come out with some pretty great documentaries and reality shows lately that have us glued to our couches (I’m looking at you, Fyre), but there is one in particular that has us talking. Going beyond being a feel-good show, it has influenced real change to our lifestyles and birthed countless memes because this is the internet, where a direct correlation exists between a show’s popularity and the number of memes created in its honor. So by now, I don’t have to tell you that Netflix’s latest baby, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, is popular.
I would have never imagined myself hosting a podcast. But here I am, asking difficult questions about the deceased with people I admire and respect. Through this journey I have gained some communication skills and the smallest amount of technical knowledge, but my gains are not in learning how to cut out a hundred unnecessary ‘ummmms’ (just me?). It’s more about connection with my peers, exploring grief and sharing my excursion with the world. Interviewing people from all walks is a brilliant experience which continually fosters my heart-space living. I’m grateful for this conversation surrounding death and dying because I know there is healing in acknowledging our bereavement. I also know that listening to others and providing them a space to honor their loved ones is a game changer, for everyone.
Remember when you were little and you had a pink unicorn journal with a cheap lock on it that could be busted open with minimal force. No? Back then, in 1991, we called it a diary and they were considered a top-secret collection of experiences and their corresponding moods. Research has shown that the benefits of journaling are endless and I’m not sure we’re utilizing the healing power of written word as much as we could be. Journaling is the perfect way to unload in a perfectly safe space and create room for new experiences and thoughts to calibrate. I happen to love journaling for its’ ability to allow me to further understand how I feel about the regular happenings of life. I’ll also say that keeping a journal is somehow sentimental and feels romantic. Perhaps I’ve simply watched too many romantic comedies.
Whether your goal is to be stronger, fitter, or just lose a few inches, you want to maximize your time in the gym so you can spend more time with your family doing the real things you enjoy…
“I choose my choice!”
~ Charlotte York
Yes, I had to throw in an erratic Sex and the City quote because, hey, SATC will always be life but also because screaming “I choose my choice!” is not only the topic of this piece, but also the manner in which Charlotte defends herself is both empowering and cringe-worthy. I’ve never been known to turn away from a good clashing dichotomy.
Since you’re a go-getter summertime mama you’ve probably packed a couple of picnics for your afternoon adventures.
Are your egg salad, deli meat, tuna or veggie sandwiches just not cutting it anymore?
But what is a PPAH?
I used to call myself the pre-parent type of a-hole (bonus points if you count how many times I use that phrase in this piece) aka the PPAH (pre-parent-a**-hole). Let’s paint a picture of who this person was, seven years ago. I had an opinion on everything parenting. Vaccines? Circumcision? Organic foods? Yep. But it wasn’t these things that led me to self diagnose myself as an was the fact that I did the following that really pushed me over the edge…
I’m a mom, and I am a walking caffeine stereotype. Even as I’m typing this, my brain is shot because I haven’t slept in since Obama’s first term, and I can’t get anything done without some form of caffeine assistance, much like all parents before me.
Doubling down on motherhood with my New York heritage means coffee was not only a part of my routine, but my identity. Setting aside my own roots, coffee is a huge part of our culture. In a super outdated, but probably still accurate infographic posted by Massive Health in 2012, New Yorkers were consuming 6.7 times the amount of coffee than people anywhere else in the US. And since I’m based in Canada right now, here’s a little fact about Canada: it turns out maple syrup isn’t the only thing this country loves. Statista reports 4.87 million 60kg bags of coffee consumed in 2017/2018, higher than the 2014 figure which showed that 67% of hot drinks in Canada were coffee. So in North America alone, we have a serious coffee crush.