It’s not exactly storm season right now (August 2022), but you can never be too prepared. Having to evacuate your house suddenly for an emergency can be terrifying. The information below provides tips to help you to prepare ahead of time so you will be able to grab what you need and go.
Preparing Your Home
Taking the time to prepare ahead of time can help keep your family safe
as well as reduce possible damage to your property.
- Trim any branches that could fall on your home. Move any outdoor furniture and potted plants to a dIe
won’t become airborne. - If you have a generator, test it ahead of time. Have enough fuel for extended use
- Check windows to make sure they are closed or prepared for severe weather.
- To avoid possible flooding, check that downspout extensions are attached to drainpipes.
- Have a flashlight (and extra batteries) for each member of the family and in their rooms
- Charge cell phones and have extra chargers on nane
- Have water and non-perishable food in case the power goes out
- Have a room set up with supplies (food water. blankets) that your family can shelter in If needed
- Pack a week’s worth of clothing for each family member
Preparing Your Vehicle
In case of an unexpected emergency (such as a breakdown) or an anticipated one (such as an evacuation due to a weather emergency), it’s important to make sure your car is In good shape and that you have the right supplies on hand.
Basics to Always Have in Your Car
• First aid kit.
• Banket.
• Non-perishable snacks
If You Live in a Cold Climate
• Cat litter or sand (for extra traction).
• Shovel.
• Ice scraper/brush
• Cell phone charger.
• Bottled water
• Window hammer
• Flares or reflective triangle
• Jumper cables
• Spare tire
During an Evacuation
• Full tank of gas.
• Check o and wiper fluid.
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Photos: Unsplash