Summer is Not over Yet, Throw One more Backyard BBQ!

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I know we’re all starting to get into pumpkin spice lattes, school routines and everything fall… BUT, summer isn’t over yet!!! We still have until Monday, September 23, 3:50 A.M. EDT according to the Farmer’s Almanac . So, don’t pack up the BBQ yet, let’s throw one more party!!

If we’re celebrating the end of summer, then I say let’s do everything the summer has to offer. End off with a bang!! 

Water Games

Whether that be a rousing game of water balloon toss or an all-out water balloon fight, you’ve got to do something with water to send off the summer and kick off the fall. There are all sorts of water races you can do as well, like seeing which team can fill up a pail of water using plastic cups with holes in them etc. 

Outdoor Movie Night

I love this idea! Set up some sort of projection screen or even a big white sheet and

watch a movie under the stars! You can set up a bunch of blankets and pillows to make it super comfy for everyone. Make up a batch (or two or three) of your favourite popcorn and enjoy the evening!! If you want to get even more daring, fall asleep under the stars after the movie is over. Make sure to have extra blankets as it is starting to cool down at night! 


What is summer without s’mores?!? This is a perfect way to end off summer. I know, you’re probably thinking, “We can’t have a fire in the backyard!!” But, there are so many great little propane fireplaces available now for a reasonable price, you can’t really make any more excuses! Get your chocolatey goo on and enjoy some summer goodness! 

Outdoor Games Night

There are so many fun outdoor games you can play with groups. How about a game of giant Jenga? Or Ladder Golf? Or Corn Hole? These are just a few options. You can definitely get creative! I even saw a DIY version of outdoor Connect 4 on Pinterest! If you want something a little more low key, you can even just plan a card game or board game night with a few friends. You can make it a bit more intimate with a candlelight dinner followed by some games. 


Nothing quite says SUMMER like a BBQ! Fire up the grill and get cooking those burgers and hot dogs! I like to put out all sorts of different salads beforehand too for people to fill up on. Potato salad, pasta salad, garden salad, caesar salad whatever your family likes! And as a pre-dessert before the s’mores?!? WATERMELON!! This is the quintessential fruit of summer in my books! 

Most importantly, this time of year is busy enough already, keep it simple and have fun!! Don’t make things too complicated so you can really enjoy yourself. 

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