Cool Summer Craft For Kids

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It’s heating up here in the Fraser Valley and you might be looking for some new summer craft ctivities to help cool down. Here’s a fun and “cool” (literally) summer craft you can do with your kids!

What you’ll need: Summer Craft for Kids 1

  • Coffee Filters
  • Washable markers
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Ice Cubes (you could probably also use water with paintbrushes but ice cubes are the “cool” part of them because, you know, they’re cool)
  • Plastic table cloth


Step One: Flatten the coffee filter and begin to colour. I did a few in wedges of colour and a few in patches of colour. The girls (4 and 2) just did squiggles for the most part, which of course is fine, but if you put more colour on the brighter the butterflies will be.

Summer craft 3Step Two: Move an ice cube over the coffee filter to blend the colours. I like to use a circular motion but really anything that gets the ice cube melting and the colours running together will do.
Step three: Set filter aside to dry.

Step four: Once dry pinch the coffee filter in the middle and wrap the pipe cleaner around the center to make antennae.

That’s it! Super cute and a great way to cool down on a hot day!


~ By Becca Toews

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