It’s been a few weeks since I set my plans to get back into shape after the birth of my third child. To say it’s been an easy task would be a bold-faced lie. But it hasn’t been completely impossible, and I have found some amazing tools and resources to help me along the way. Fit 4 Two has been a much need dose of motivation and sanity during my hectic, and often sleep deprived, days.

When I first started planning to get fit and start eating properly again (hello delicious bagel carbs, I see you), one of the things I knew I needed was a fitness program that wasn’t too intense and offered considerate support. As much as I like to think that I’m superhuman, there was no way that I could jump back into daily weightlifting and running. My third pregnancy was rough on me, so I needed something adaptable and intended for my postpartum body and emotions. Group fitness isn’t something I’ve done a lot of in the past, but the idea of working out with other moms rather than trying to go it alone seemed encouraging.
I’m so glad that I found Fit 4 Two and gave it a try! I chose the Stroller Fitness class as it was perfect for my schedule and my fitness goals – and baby could chill in his stroller while I sweat it out. The instructor, Courtney, was amazing and supported everyone in the class regardless of where they were at physically.
I was motivated to do what my body would allow, but thanks to Courtney’s guidance, didn’t push myself towards injury or burnout. Because I was so impressed and excited about the program, I reached out to the Fit 4 Two Surrey/White Rock owner, Erin Gabriel, to find out why having classes designed for expectant and new mothers is needed. It turns out its not only moms who need wellness support, but programs like this are so vital for our community. Meeting passionate people who care about giving others a boost is also super motivating so learning about the mission of Fit 4 Two was eye opening for me.
“Our goal is to create a comfortable and supportive environment for all people who attend our classes. Yes, we’re meant to be a program for moms. But if you’re a caregiver or an expectant dad or a legal guardian, your fitness and health matters too. So long as you’re comfortable with breastfeeding and lots of sharing about development milestones and lack of sleep, you’re more than welcome.”
Erin explains that the classes are intended to be a holistic approach to maternal health. “There are so many benefits to being in a group class that extend beyond getting in shape. Most new moms need the emotional support that comes from being around others going through the same things. Its easier to cope with hormonal changes that come with motherhood if you feel connected to a community and are taking some time to move your body”.
Erin’s goal for the future of Fit 4 Two is to see a new standard of care established for moms throughout Surrey and White Rock. With nutrition, emotional support and true community connections, there are plans to work with public health professionals and organizations to see the best services possible become the norm for pre and postnatal women. These goals are ones that support healthy families and hopefully, in turn, healthy communities.
Fit 4 Two strives to provide an enjoyable place for new moms to get a regular and safe workout and to make new mom friends. And maybe Stroller Fitness isn’t your thing – they offer a wonderful variety of classes to take part in! AquaFit, Spin Class, Yoga, Barre Class and more; there’s an option for you no matter what your activity level or interests are.
I’m grateful that I took the step to join in with Fit 4 Two as I begin to feel like a human again and not just a zombie-like milk machine. My food and fitness goals extend beyond these first few steps but meeting some new friends and accomplishing a few workouts has allowed me to dream about getting back to my pre-baby self.